Friday, July 3, 2009



Apakah pekerja yang diliputi oleh Akta Kerja 1955?
Semua pekerja yang mendapat gaji tidak melampaui RM1,500.00 se bulan, dan seseorang pekerja yang melakukan kerja manual tanpa mengira jumlah upah se bulan. Adalah pekerja dengan Kontrak Perkhidmatan.

Apakah Kontrak Perkhidmatan?
Sebarang perjanjian (sama ada lisan atau bertulis dan sama ada dinyatakan atau dibayangkan) di mana seseorang itu bersetuju untuk mengambil seseorang yang lain bekerja dan pekerja itu pula bersetuju untuk berkhidmat kepada majikannya sebagai seorang pekerja. Pekerja ada hak mendapat dan menyimpan sesalinan Kontrak Perkhidmatan.

Adakah Buruh/Pekerja Migran termasuk dalam Akta Kerja 1955?
Ya, Pekerja Migran juga diliputi, dan boleh bergantung kepada Akta ini.

Apakah jenis hak yang terkandung dalam Akta Kerja 1955?
Berbagai jenis hak pekerja termasuk jumlah jam kerja maksima, kerja tambah masa dan kadar pembayaran, cuti am berbayar, cuti tahunan berbayar, cuti sakit berbayar, gaji dan jenis potongan yang majikan dibenarkan buat, cuti salin dan faedah lain.

Jika seseorang pekerja sudah menandatangani kontrak dengan majikan, bolehkan pekerja masih bergantung kepada Akta Kerja 1955?
Ya, dia boleh. Jika hak yang terkandung dalam Akta Kerja adalah lebih baik daripada apa yang terkandung dalam Kontrak Perkhidmatan, pekerja berhak mendapatkan hak sapertimana tercatat dalam Akta Kerja 1955. Jika hak terkandung dalam Kontrak Perkhidmatan adalah lebih baik daripada apa yang terkandung dalam Akta Kerja, pekerja berhak menuntuk hak yang lebih baik sapertimana terkandung dalam Kontrak Perkhidmatan tersebut.

Apakah maksud “Waktu Kerja Biasa”?
“Waktu Kerja Biasa” ialah waktu kerja seperti yang dipersetujui di antara majikan dan pekerja dalam kontrak perkhidmatan sebagai waktu-waktu kerja biasa dalam sehari. Waktu kerja biasa tersebut tidak boleh melebihi: 8 jam sehari tidak termasuk waktu rehat; 5 jam bekerja berterusan tanpa rehat sekurang-kurangnya 30 minit; dan 48 jam seminggu.

Atas persetujuan bersama, pekerja boleh bekerja 9 jam sehari tetapi tidak boleh melebihi 48 jam seminggu.

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan ‘kerja lebih masa’?
Kerja lebih masa bermakna bilangan jam kerja yang dilakukan melebihi masa kerja normal sehari.

Apakah kadar bayaran kerja lebih masa?

Kadar bayaran kerja lebih masa hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya seperti berikut:
Pada hari kerja biasa, 1 ½ kali kadar gaji sejam untuk hari biasa.
Pada hari rehat, 1 ½ kali kadar gaji sejam untuk kerja hari rehat
Pada cuti am, 1 ½ kali kadar gaji sejam untuk kerja pada cuti am.

Adakah terdapat had kepada bilangan jam seseorang pekerja dibenarkan kerja lebih masa dalam satu bulan?
Seseorang pekerja tidak boleh dikehendaki bekerja lebih masa melebihi 104 jam dalam sebulan..

Adakah wajib bagi kontrak perkhidmatan untuk menyatakan tempoh gaji? Berapakah tempoh gaji yang sepatutnya?
Setiap kontrak perkhidmatan wajib menyatakan tempoh gaji yang tidak melebihi satu bulan. Sekiranya kontrak tersebut tidak menyatakan tempoh gaji tersebut, tempoh tersebut akan dikira sebagai sebulan.

Bilakah gaji harus dibayar kepada pekerja-pekerja?
Gaji (selepas dibuat potongan-potongan seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh undang-undang) dibayar tidak lewat dari hari ketujuh selepas tamat tempoh gaji. Majikan boleh memohon melanjutkan masa pembayaran gaji daripada Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Buruh Semenanjung Malaysia.

Apakah potongan-potongan seperti yang telah ditetapkan oleh undang-undang?
Ini adalah potongan yang dibenarkan saperti Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP), sumbangan keselamatan sosial (SOCSO). Akta Kerja juga membenarkan pemotongan untuk mendapat kembali gaji terlebih dibayar yang telah dibuat dalam jangkamasa 3 bulan sebelum, dan untuk mendapatkan kembali apa-apa pendahuluan gaji yang telah diberikan, di mana jumlah ini tidak boleh melebihi nilai gaji satu bulan.

Apakah jumlah potongan gaji yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang?
Jumlah maksima potongan gaji yang dibenarkan adalah jumlah tidak melampaui separuh gaji yang harus diterima oleh pekerja bagi bulan tersebut. Pekerja harus dibayar sekurang-kurang separuh jumlah gajinya setiap bulan.

Bilakah gaji harus dibayar kepada pekerja jika berlaku penamatan kontrak perkhidmatan?
Gaji harus dibayar sebaik sahaja kontrak ditamatkan.

Apakah jenis pekerjaan yang mana wanita dilarang melakukannya di bawah Akta? Jenis pekerjaan di mana seseorang wanita dilarang melakukannya adalah seperti berikut:

i. Kerja bawah tanah;
ii.Bekerja di sektor perusahaan/pertanian di antara pukul 10.00 mlm sehingga 5.00 pagi tanpa pengecualian daripada Ketua Pengarah Buruh.

Berapakah kelayakan cuti rehat bagi seorang pekerja yang diliputi di bawah Akta ini? Setiap pekerja adalah layak untuk mendapat cuti satu hari penuh bagi setiap minggu.

Adakah sah dari segi undang-undang bagi majikan untuk meminta pekerjanya bekerja pada hari rehat?
Seseorang pekerja boleh dikehendaki oleh majikannya untuk bekerja pada hari rehatnya dalam keadaan-keadaan seperti berikut: kemalangan, sebenar atau diancam dalam tempat kerjanya; kerja yang mana perlaksanaannya adalah perlu kepada keselamatan masyarakat; kerja yang perlu bagi pertahanan atau keselamatan Malaysia; kerja segera yang harus dilakukan ke atas jentera atau loji; suatu gangguan kerja yang tidak mungkin dapat dijangka; kerja yang harus dilakukan oleh pekerja-pekerja dalam mana-mana kegiatan perusahaan yang perlu kepada ekonomi Malaysia atau mana-mana perkhidmatan perlu sebagaimana yang ditakrifkan dalam Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967

Bagaimanakah kadar bayaran kepada pekerja yang diminta bekerja pada hari cuti rehat?
Seseorang pekerja yang dikehendaki bekerja pada hari rehatnya hendaklah dibayar bayaran satu hari tambahan gajinya atas kadar gaji biasanya. (iaitu 2 kali gaji hari kerja biasa)

Berapakah kelayakan cuti am bergaji pekerja dalam setahun?
Seseorang pekerja layak sekurang-kurangnya 10 hari cuti am bergaji dalam setahun. 10 Hari Cuti Am tersebut adalah Hari Pekerja (Mei 1), Hari Kelahiran Yang Di Pertuan Agung, Hari Merdeka (Ogos 31), Hari Keputeraan Sultan atau Hari Wilayah Persekutuan, dan 6 cuti am yang lain yang majikan harus memutuskan dan memberitahu pekerja melalui notis pada permulaan setiap tahun.

Bagaimanakah kadar bayaran kepada pekerja yang diminta bekerja pada hari cuti ini?
Seseorang pekerja layak mendapat 2 hari gaji sebagai tambahan pada kadar gaji biasa jika bekerja pada hari tersebut. (iaitu 3 kali gaji hari kerja biasa)

Berapa harikah kelayakan cuti tahunan bagi seseorang pekerja?
Bekerja kurang dari 2 tahun: - 8 hari setiap tahun
Lebih dari 2 tahun tetapi kurang dari 5 tahun - 12 hari bagi setiap tahun
5 tahun dan lebih - 16 hari bagi setiap tahun

Di mana seorang pekerja yang mengambil cuti tahunan berbayar, menjadi berhak untuk cuti sakit berbayar atau cuti bersalin semasa dalam masa cuti tahunan, pekerja tersebut akan diberikan cuti sakit berbayar atau cuti bersalin, dan cuti tahunan berbayar akan dianggap belum diambil untuk hari-hari pekerja tersebut mengambil cuti sakit berbayar atau cuti bersalin.

Berapakah kelayakan cuti sakit seseorang pekerja dalam setahun?
Kelayakan cuti sakit bergaji setahun adalah:
Kurang dari 2 tahun perkhidmatan - 14 hari
Lebih dari 2 tahun tetapi kurang dari 5 tahun - 18 hari
5 tahun dan lebih - 22 hari

Di mana hospitalisi diperlukan sehingga 60 hari

Apakah keadaan yang menyebabkan pekerja tidak layak mendapat cuti sakit bergaji?
Pekerja tidak layak mendapat cuti sakit bergaji bagi tempoh di mana pekerja berhak mendapat elaun bersalin atau menerima pampasan bagi ketidakupayaan di bawah Akta Pampasan Pekerja 1952 atau Akta Keselamatan Sosial Pekerja 1969.

Di dalam keadaan apakah dianggap bahawa Kontrak Perkhidmatan telah dilanggari oleh pekerja?
Seorang pekerja hendaklah dianggap sebagai telah melangggar kontrak perkhidmatannya jika ia berterusan tidak hadhir kerja selama lebih daripada 2 hari kerja berturut-turut tanpa kebenaran terlebih dahulu daripada majikannya, melainkan ia mempunyai alas an yang munasabah bagi ketidakhadhiran itu, dan telah memberitahu atau telah mencuba memberitahu majikannya tentang alas an itu sebelum atau pada peluang terawal semasa ketidakhadhiran tersebut.

Di dalam keadaan apakah dianggap bahawa Kontrak Perkhidmatan telah dilanggari oleh majikan?
Seorang majikan hendaklah dianggap sebagai telah melanggar kontrak perkhidmatan apabila gagal membayar gaji dalam masa tidak lewat daripada hari ketujuh selepas hari terakhir bagi mana-mana tempoh upah.

Bolehkah seorang majikan menamatkan kerja seorang pekerja tempatan, dan kemudiannya mengambil seorang pekerja migrant bekerja?
Tidak. Seorang majikan tidak boleh menamatkan kontrak perkhidmatan seorang pekerja tempatan bagi maksud mengambil kerja seseorang pekerja asing. (seksyen 60M)

Bolehkah seorang majikan memberikan layanan berbeda kepada pekerja tempatan dan pekerja asing?
Tidak boleh, Layanan sama harus diberikan kepada semua pekerja. Undang-undang jelas menyatakan bahawa sekiranya pekerja tempatan mengalami diskriminasi terhadapnya berbanding dengan pekerja asing, atau jika pekerja asing mengalami diskriminasi terhadapnya berbanding dengan pekerja tempatan berkenaan terma atau keadaan kerja, pekerja boleh membuat aduan kepada Pejabat Buruh. (seksyen 60L)

Apabila akan berlaku pembuangan kerja, siapakah yang akan mula-mula dibuang kerja?
Biasanya, prinsip terpakaii adalah bahawa pekerja yang akhir sekali diambil masuk bekerja akan dibuang kerja terlebih dahulu. Tetapi, seksyen 60N Akta Kerja 1955 menyatakan bahawa “Sekiranya majikan dikehendaki mengurangkan tenaga kerjanya oleh sebab lebihan pekerja, maka majikan itu tidaklah boleh menamatkan perkhidmatan pekerja tempatan melainkan jika dia telah terlebih dahulu menamatkan perkhidmatan semua pekerja asing yang bekerja dengannya dalam bidang tugas serupa dengan bidang tugas pekerja tempatan itu.

Kami tidak setuju, dan menyatakan bahawa seksyen 60N ini bukan sahaja tidak adil tetapi juga bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia yang menjamin kesamaan. Maka, seksyen 60N adalah tidak sah.

Apakah peraturan yang memperuntukkan kelayakan Faedah Penamatan dan Rentikerja Sentara (Termination and Lay-off benefits) yang diliputi di bawah Akta ini?
Peraturan-peraturan Kerja (Faedah Penamatan dan Rentikerja Sentara), 1980

NOTA:- Risalah ini hanya mengandungi prinsip undang-undang asas, dan olehkerana itu adalah lebih baik merujuk terus kepada Akta Kerja 1955 (Employment Act 1955) untuk pernyataan sebenarnya. Pekerja boleh juga pergi ke Pejabat Buruh untuk mendapat nasihat dan juga membuat aduan menuntut hak pekerja. Bantuan nasihat juga boleh diperolehi daripada Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majilis Peguam, dan juga daripada Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC).

* Risalah ini adalah satu hasil usahasama Workers Hub For Change (WH4C), Burma Campaign, Malaysia dan Network of Action for Migrants Malaysia (NAMM).



Which workers are covered by the Malaysian Employment Act?

All workers whose earnings do not exceed RM1,500.00 a month. All manual workers irrespective of how much they earn per month. These are workers with a contract of service.

What is a contract of service?

A contract of service is an agreement whereby a person agrees to employ another as an employee and the employee agrees to serve his employer as an employee;
A contract of service can be either oral or writing; The worker has the right to get and keep a copy of the contract of service (or employment agreement)

Are Migrant Workers covered by the Employment Act 1955?

Yes, Migrant workers are covered

What kind of rights are found in the Employment Act 1955?

All kind of worker rights including maximum hours of work, overtime work and rates of payment, annual leave, paid holidays, paid sick leave, wages and what employer can lawfully deduct from the wage and maternity leave and benefits.

If the worker has signed a contract with the employer, can the worker still rely on the Employment Act 1955?

Yes, he can. If the rights contained in the Employment Act is better that what is provided in the contract, then the workers must be given the better rights. If the rights in the contract are better than what is in the Employment Act, then the worker can claim those better rights in the contract.

What is the meaning of "normal hours of work"?

“Normal hours of work” means the hours of work as agreed between an employer and an employee in the contract of service to be the usual hours of work per day. The normal hours of work should not exceed :
i. 8 hours a day excluding a period of rest;
ii. 5 consecutive hours of work without a period of rest of not less than thirty minutes; and
iii. 48 hours in a week.
Upon mutual agreement, hours of work can exceed 9 hours a day but it cannot exceed 48 hours in a week. What does it mean by ‘overtime’? Overtime means the hours of work carried out in excess of the normal hours of work per day.

At what rate should an employee who work overtime be paid?
Overtime rate should not be less than the following:
On normal day, 1 1/2 times the hourly rate of pay.
On rest days, 1 1/2 times the hourly rate of pay on a rest day.
On public holiday's , 1 1/2 times the hourly rate of pay on a public holiday

Is there any restriction on the overtime hours that an employee could work in one month?

An employee should not be required to work overtime exceeding a total of 104 hours in a month.

Is it compulsory for a contract of service to specify a wage period? What should be the length of the wage period?

A contract of service shall specify a wage period not exceeding one month. If the contract does not specify this, the wage period would be deemed to be one month.

When should wages be paid to employees?

Wages (less any lawful deductions) are payable not later than the seventh day after the end of wage period.

The employer may apply for extension of payment of wages time from the Director General of Labour Department.

What are lawful deductions?

These are only those that are permitted in law like the Employees Provident Fund (EPF/KWSP) and SOCSO. The Employment Act also allows for deductions to the extent of any overpayment of wages made during the immediately preceding three months, deductions for the recovery of advances of wages not more than 1 months wages.

What is the total amount of lawful deductions allowed by law?

The total of any amounts deducted under this section from the wages of an employee in respect of any one month shall not exceed half the wages earned by that employee in that month. The employee must receive at least half monthly wages.

When should wages be paid to an employee upon a normal termination of contract of service?

Wages should be paid to an employee not later than the day when the contract of service is terminated.

What are the types of work that women are prohibited from doing under the Act?

The types of work that women are prohibited are: underground work, industrial and agricultural undertaking between 10.00 pm – 5.00 am without exemption from the Director General of Labour.

How many rest days should an employee be entitled to under the Act?

An employee should be entitled to one whole day of rest day in each week.

Is it lawful for an employer to require his employee to work on a rest day?

An employee can be required by his employer to work on a rest day under the following circumstances:

accident, actual or threatened in the workplace;

work which is essential to the life of the community;

work which is essential to the defence or security of the country;

urgent work need to be done to the machinery or plant;

an interruption of work which was impossible to foresee;

work to be performed by employees in any industrial undertaking essential to the economy of Malaysia or

any essential service as defined in the Industrial Relations Act 1967.

How should an employee who is required to work on a rest day be paid?

An employee who is required to work on a rest day shall be paid one additional day wages at his ordinary rate of pay. (i.e. 2 times normal wages)

How many paid holidays should an employee be entitled to in one year?

An employee should be entitled to paid holidays of not less than 10 days in a year. The 10 paid Public Holidays are Workers Day (May 1), King's Birthday, Independence Day (August 31), State Sultan's Birthday or Federal Territory Day, and 6 other public holidays that the employer must choose and inform the workers by notice by the start of the year.

How should an employees who are required to work on holidays be paid?

An employee who is required to work on holiday shall be paid two additional days wages at his ordinary rate of pay. (i.e. 3 times normal wages)

How many days of paid annual leave should an employee be entitled to?

Less than two years of service: 8 days per year

Two or more but less than 5 years of service: 12 days per year

Over five years of service:- 16 days per year

Where an employee who is on paid annual leave becomes entitled to sick leave or maternity leave while on such annual leave, the employee shall be granted the sick leave or the maternity leave, as the case may be, and the annual leave shall be deemed to have not been taken in respect of the days for which sick leave or maternity leave is so granted.

How many days of paid sick leave is an employee entitled to in one year?

Paid sick leave per calendar year:

Less than two years of service

14 days

Two or more but less than five years of service

18 days

Over five years of service

22 days

Where hospitalisation is necessary

up to 60 days

What are the circumstances under which an employee is not entitled to sick leave pay?

An employee is not entitled to paid sick leave during maternity leave or for any period during which he/she is receiving periodical payments under Workmen's Compensation or SOCSO.

Under what circumstances is a contract of service deemed to be broken by an employee?

A contract of service is deemed to be broken by an employee if the worker has been continuously absent from work for more than two consecutive working days without prior leave from the employer, unless the worker has a reasonable excuse for such absence and has informed or attempted to inform the employer of such excuse prior to or at the earliest opportunity during such absence.

Under what circumstances is a contract of service deemed to be broken by an employer?

A contract of service is deemed to be broken by an employer if an employer fails to pay wages within seven days after the wages period.

Can an employer terminate a local worker and then employ a migrant worker?

No, the employer cannot terminate the contract of service of a local worker for the purpose of employing a migrant worker. (section 60M)

Can the employer treat migrant workers and local worker differently?

No, they cannot. The law says if a local employee is being discriminated against in relation to a foreign employee, or if a foreign employee is being discriminated against in relation to a local employee, by the employer in respect of the terms and conditions of employment, then the worker can complain to Labour office.

When it comes to retrenchment, who will be terminated first?

Generally, it is the worker who is last to be employed who will be first to be terminated.

Generally, it is the worker who is last to be employed who will be first to be terminated.

However, when it comes to migrant workers, section 60N of the Employment Act states that, "Where an employer is required to reduce his workforce by reason of redundancy necessitating the retrenchment of any number of employees, the employer shall not terminate the services of a local employee unless he has first terminated the services of all foreign employees employed by him in a capacity similar to that of the local employee."

We say that this is unjust, and also goes against Malaysian Federal Constitution, which guarantees equality. We say this law is bad and invalid.

What is the regulation made pursuant to the Act that provides for the entitlement of termination and lay-off benefits?

The Employment (Termination and Lay-off Benefits) Regulations 1980

NOTE:- This pamphlet contains the basic law, and it is best to refer to the Employment Act 1955 (Akta Kerja 1955) for the exact wording.

Workers can also go to the Labour office to get advice and assistance.

Assistance can also be obtained from the Bar Council Legal Aid Centres and also the Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC)

* This pamphlet is a result of a collaboration between Workers Hub For Change (WH4C), Burma Campaign, Malaysia and Network of Action for Migrants Malaysia (NAMM).

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Burmese Injured in Malaysian Camp Riots (Irrawady - 2/7/2009)

Burmese Injured in Malaysian Camp Riots

By LAWI WENG Thursday, July 2, 2009

Eight Burmese detainees were wounded after a small riot broke out at the Semenyih Immigration camp near Kajang Township, in Malaysia on Wednesday.

Speaking to The Irrawaddy on Thursday, Aung Lwin Oo, one of the detainees involved in the riot at the camp, said the trouble started at 8pm after camp authorities beat 30 detainees who were refusing to board a truck that was to take them to another camp.

The detainees began breaking up the walls of their rooms and throwing plates at security officers, demanding prison authorities release the 30 people who had been loaded onto the truck.

The police used tear gas to break up the riot.

“We are very angry after we heard they had beaten and forced fellow prisoners to get on a truck and be moved another camp. When they came for them they said it was only to meet officials from the UNHCR [United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees],” he said.

Aung Lwin Oo was in hiding as he talked to The Irrawaddy by phone from the camp. Camp authorities ban the use of mobile phones.

“On Tuesday, two Burmese detainees were also seriously beaten when they went to the clinic to ask for medicine. One detainee was beaten around the eyes,” Lwin Oo reported.

“We don’t know if he will regain his vision because his eyes are filled with blood. At the moment he can’t see,” he said. “The other detainee suffered cigarette burns on his body and is in serious condition now.”

Yante Ismail, a spokesperson for the UNHCR based in Kuala Lumpur told The Irrawaddy, Thursday, that a group from UNHCR left for the camp that morning to investigate the riot.

She said that she was unable to provide any further details on what happened at the camp.

The Malaysian National News Agency announced on their Bernama website that no one was injured during the riot and that the situation was under control.

According to Burmese rights groups in Malaysia, there are about 700 Burmese detainees at the Semenyih Immigration camp. They are accusing camp authorities of keeping people who have already served sentences in detention.

Roi Mon, a member of the Mon Refugees Organization based in Malaysia, said that inmates do not have enough food and water, and the camp is crowded because the authorities have refused to release detainees.

Meanwhile, in its annual Trafficking in Persons Report 2009 released in June, the US State Department put Malaysia back on the Tier 3 blacklist for its record of abuse and exploitation of migrant workers. Malaysia joins 16 other countries including Burma, North Korea, Sudan and Zimbabwe on the blacklist.

The report accused Malaysia authorities of deporting Burmese detainees to the Thai-Malaysia border and selling them to human traffickers, who then demanded ransoms for their release.

If payments were not made, the victims would be forced to work as slave labor on fishing boats in Thailand and Indonesia, and women could be forced to work as prostitutes in brothels.

Malaysian authorities have disputed the report’s conclusions.

According to the Kuala Lumpur-based Burma Workers’ Rights Protection Committee, about 500,000 Burmese migrants work in Malaysia, legally and illegally.

4,000 Burmese Migrants Arrested in June (Irrawady)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

4,000 Burmese Migrants Arrested in June


Some 4,000 Burmese migrants were arrested by the Thai authorities in Thailand in June, according to a Thai Web site,

The Thai news and entertainment Web site said that the Burmese migrants were arrested in different regions by the Thai authorities, but the majority were arrested in Phop Phra District in Tak Province.

Burmese migrants sit on a Thai police van after arriving at Ranong provincial court to hear charge of illegal entry in Ranong province, southwestern Thailand on January. (Photo: AP)

It is believed that many of those arrested were sent back to Burma, while others are being detained or were released.

A Thai police officer in Phop Phra told The Irrawaddy on Tuesday that many Burmese are coming to Thailand in the hope they can get new work permits, because a fresh registration of migrants in Thailand begins in early July.

The Thai government announced in June that the country needed some two million foreign workers for the multitude of jobs available, including those jobs known as the “3 Ds”—dirty, dangerous or degrading—which most Thai workers refuse.

There are up to five million Burmese migrants living and working in Thailand, says the Migrant Assistance Program (MAP) in Chiang Mai. However, only 500,000 registered at the Thai Ministry of Labor last year.

The Thai government is currently offering new one-year work permits to those who registered last year.

However, Jackie Pollock, a founding member of MAP, said that some migrants cannot afford to pay the 3,800 baht (US $112) fee for registration because they don’t have jobs due to the economic crisis in Thailand.

Moe Swe, the head of the Yaung Chi Oo Workers Association in Mae Sot in Tak Province, said that many of the Burmese migrants in Mae Sot couldn’t afford to pay the registration fees due to poor wages.

Burmese workers generally get paid about 1,500 baht ($44) per month working at a factory in Mae Sot, he said.

Thailand has recently tightened its border security to prevent an influx of Burmese migrants into the county. Meanwhile, in Chiang Mai, police have set up nighttime roadblocks as part of an ongoing campaign to crack down on Burmese migrants.

Meanwhile, the Network of Action for Migrants in Malaysia and MAP Foundation in Thailand have called on the Malaysian and Thai governments to protect the rights of Burmese migrants and ensure that migrants can exercise their labor, social, cultural, economic and political rights.

In a joint statement released last week, the groups called for a halt to unjust, discriminatory and unconstitutional policies on migrants.

A report released by the US State Department in June claimed that Thailand had not complied with international labor laws and that Thai authorities frequently abused migrants’ rights.