Still thinking - whether education for all, refugee can work?
In Malaysia, there were more than 2 million documented migrants, and, in my estimate, more that 5 million undocumented migrants, of which only about 200,000 at most may be asylum seekers and/or refugees. Whilst the majority of undocumented migrants are from neighbouring Indonesia, it is estimated that there are about 700,000 undocumented migrants from Burma.
Given this fact, one must be more concerned about these undocumented migrants, their children and families. What about their healthcare, education, etc...?
From my reading of the answers:-
* Malaysia does not recognize refugees - there are undocumented migrants.
* Malaysia has no specific laws for refugees - and as such asylum seekers/refugees are all dealt as document migrants or undocumented migrants under the Immigration Act - maybe besides asking for the ratification of the UN Convention, we could ask Malaysia to have a specific Malaysian law to govern asylum seekers/refugees and their families/dependents. The Malaysian government can have their own procedure and standards on conferring a person the status of asylum seeker (temporary or permanent), or even refugee status.
* Can refugees work? Well, the government is still studying the possibility
* Can children of refugees/undocumented migrants get education? No chance for formal education in government schools, etc BUT the government is ready to work with other in providing " alternative education" - very vague answer.
The Foreign Ministry’s response to my Parliament question shows us how little the Government cares for the refugees in Malaysia. Not surprising that just three days ago, a report released by Amnesty said that Malaysia is a “dangerous” place for refugees who were often often abused, arrested and “treated like criminals”.
Once again, I urge the Ministry of Human Resource to give temporary work permits to the refugees in Malaysia. This will not only help them survive while they are being processed by UNHCR, but will also help ease Malaysia’s labour shortage which is ultimately to our own benefit. Enough of the “masih mengkaji” excuse!Pertanyaan: Bagi Jawab Lisan [Question for an Oral Answer]
Daripada: YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim [Seputeh]
Tarikh: 9 Jun 2010
Soalan: YB Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim minta Menteri Luar Negeri Menyatakan bilakah kerajaan akan membenarkan orang pelarian negara asing di Malaysia untuk bekerja di Malaysia? Apakah langkah diambil oleh kerajaan untuk memberi pendidikan kepada golongan generasi kedua orang pelarian tersebut?
Member of Parliament Teresa Kok Suh Sim asks the Minister of Foreign Affairs to state when the government will allow foreign refugees in Malaysia to work in Malaysia? What are the steps taken by the government to provide education for the 2nmd generation of these refugees?Jawapan:
Tuan Yang Di Pertua,
Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Yang Berhormat Seputeh ke atas soalan yang dikemukakan.
Tuan Yang Di Pertua,
2. (sic) Untuk makluman Dewan sekalian, Malaysia bukan merupakan negara pihak kepada Konvensyen Berkaitan Status Orang-Orang Pelarian 1951 dan Protokolnya 1967 (Convention Relation to the Status of Refugees 1951 and its Protocol 1967), yang menjadi asas bagi menentukan taraf pelarian bagi seseorang individu. Kerajaan berpendapat sekiranya Malaysia menjadi negara pihak Konvensyen tersebut, dan disoking oleh faktor kedudukan geografi Malaysia yang strategik di rantau Asia Tenggara, ianya akan menjadi faktor penrik kepada individu-individu datang ke Malaysia dan menuntut taraf sebagai orang pelarian, padahal, mereka sebenarnya datang ke Malaysia atas alasan mencari nafkah.For the information of this House, Malaysia is not a party of the Convention Relation to the Status of Refugees 1951 and its 1967 Protocol, which forms the basis of determination of refugee status of an individual. The government, is of opinion, that if Malaysia becomes a party to that Convention, and considering the factor of Malaysia's geographical location that is strategic is South East Asia, it will certainly be a pull factor for individuals to come to Malaysia and claim refugee status, when in fact, they really come to Malaysia to earn a living.
3. Oleh kerana tidak ada undang-undang khas bagi orang pelarian di negara ini, isu orang pelarian adalah tertakluk di bawah Akta Imigresen 1959/63 (Pindaan 2002), di mana ke semua mereka dianggap sebagai Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin (PATI).
Since there is no specific laws for refugees in this country, the refugee issue comes under the Immigration Act 1959/63 (Ammended 2002), whereby they are all considered Foreign Migrants Without Permission (PATI)4. Memandangkan orang-orang pelarian ini dianggap sebagai Pendatang Tanpa Izin (PATI), dan dengan ketiadaan dokumen pengenalan diri yang sah, ini menyukarkan pendatang tanpa izin ini memasuki alam pekerjaan. Dokumen pengenalan diri yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak UNHCR tidak diiktiraf oleh pihak Kerajaan kerana Malaysia bukan merupakan negara pihak kepada Konvensyen Berkaitan Status Orang-Orang Pelarian 1951 dan Protokolnya 1967.
Considering the fact that these refugees are considered as Foreign Immigrants Without Permission (PATI), and in the absence of valid identification documents, it is difficult for these Foreign Migrants Without Permission (PATI) to enter into employment. Identification documents issued by the UNHCR is not recognized by the government since Malaysia is not a party to the Convention Regarding Status of Refugees 1951 and its 1967 Protocol.5. Saya difahamkan bahawa Kementerian Sumber Manusia masih mengkaji dengan teliti cadangan membenarkan PATI yang mendaftar dengan pihak UNHCR di negara ini bekerja secara sah di Malaysia. Ini memandangkan terdapat beberapa isu perlu dikupas seperti pentapan sektor yang benar-benar sesuai dengan mereka yang berkenaan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai warganegara, agar tidak menjejaskan peluang untuk rakyat tempatan mendapatkan peluang pekerjaan.
I am given to understand that the Ministry of Human Resources is still studying thoroughly the proposal of allowing Foreign Migrants Without Permission(PATI) registered with the UNHCR to work legally in Malaysia. This is because there are several issues that have to be considered thoroughly such as the determination of the sectors that is truly suitable for them that come from various nationalities, so that it does not affect the opportunities of local citizens from getting jobs.6. Mengenai pendidikan untuk generasi kedua PATI yang mendaftar dengan pihak UNHCR pula, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia tidak mempunyai dasar bagi memberi pendidikan formal kepada generasi kedua PATI yang telah mendaftar dengan pihak UNJCR memandangkan mereka tidak mempunyaiu dokumen pengenalan diri yang sah. Walau bagaimanapun, selaras dengan usaha memberi pendidikan untuk semua, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia sentiasa bekerjasama dengan pelbagai agensi sama ada dalam kerajaan, pihak swasta dan badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGOs) dalam menyediakan pendidikan alternatif kepada generasi kedua pendatang-pendatang yang berkenaan.On education for the second generation of Foreign Migrants Without Permission (PATI)which have been registered with the UNHCR, the Education Ministry have no policy for providing education for the 2nd generation of PATI registered with the UNHCR given the fact that do not have valid self identification documentation. However, in line with the effort to provide education for all, the Malaysian Education Ministry is always ready to cooperate with various agencies be they in government or not, the private sector and non-governments; organizations(NGOs) in providing alternative education to the 2nd generation of these migrants.Sekian, terima kasih.